Promotion of young talent

In dance, special significance is attached to the early promotion of talented children and young people. Danse Suisse is committed to the continuous promotion of Swiss dance talent with various projects specifically tailored to young dancers.

Basic preliminary training

For physical reasons, the career of a stage dancer is predominantly pursued at a young age, often ending at the age of 35-40.

Due to the early start of a career, the first steps towards training as a stage dancer must be taken very early (similar to competitive sports). This applies not only, but especially to the field of classical ballet. In view of the - as mentioned above - early end of the active dance career, investments should be made in a high-quality school-leaving certificate at the same time in order to ensure the best possible entry into a future career.

More information on basic preliminary training, such as special cases ballet and arts and sports schools, can be found here.

Talentscouting Days

Interest in dance education and the dance profession is booming. Be it ballet, modern, contemporary dance or urban styles - more and more dance enthusiasts are finding in dance a harmonious connection between physical challenge and personal creativity. At the same time, the need for information about training and the profession has increased among young people and their parents. In order to inform young people and their parents in a serious and independent way about the dance profession and to advise them on their personal situation, Danse Suisse organises the Talentscouting Days (TSD). Young people dance in two training sessions (classical or hip-hop and modern/contemporary) in front of a jury of experts. An individual dance medical examination is on the programme, as well as a personal consultation with two members of the expert jury.

As part of the Talent Scouting Days, Danse Suisse conducts auditions for the arts and sports programmes of various cantons (approx. 85% of participants).

Talentscouting Day Musical

The next Talentscouting Day will take place on 16 February 2025.

The Musical Factory assessment in collaboration with Danse Suisse gives interested parties the opportunity to apply for an apprenticeship as a stage dancer specialising in musicals or to gain a place on a pre-college course.

The day consists of a simple ballet training and a jazz centre. In the hip hop/commercial section, the pick-up is tested and the participants learn a choreography, which they then perform in small groups. Finally, the applicants present a memorised song with playback or a pianist present on site (there is the possibility to rehearse with him/her in advance). In addition, a short monologue will be performed, with suggestions for monologues provided by the Musical Factory.

After the test, all participants will receive personal feedback from experts as well as a compact sheet with an assessment of their talent. This gives applicants the opportunity to take part in the aptitude test if, for example, they need a certified talent certificate for art and sports classes (similar to the Danse Suisse Talentscouting days).


Danse Suisse runs the specific dance and talent development programme summerdance for dancers aged 12 and over in the summer. The one-week programme is aimed at students in arts & sports programmes or in pre-professional training who train at least 10 lessons per week. summerdance is thus a platform for talent development in dance that ties in with the Talentscouting Days and builds a bridge to professional dance training.